Unparalleled Customer Service You Can Count on!
Fortino Painting delivers a service that will surpass all your expectations. The team was timely, skilled, and exhibited remarkable attention to detail. I have had them personally paint my home, my brother Dan Derose's house as well as his daughter's house. Their dedication to excellence and client satisfaction is second to none. I would strongly endorse them to anyone in need of exceptional painting services.
Crystal Bunting
I have been in real estate for 20 years and worked with a lot of contractors during that time. Joe Fortino is my go-too. Fortino Painting did a beautiful job on my home both inside and out. They were professional, courteous, and not only left the job clean after the project but kept it that way throughout. Every client I have referred Fortino Painting to has said the same thing. Proud to refer him to family, friends and clients.
Fortino Painting did a great job. Their crew showed up on time, were proficient at their work, and had a good eye for detail.
I enjoy their crew; I can tell they truly care about customer satisfaction. They kept me informed throughout my project and kept me up to date on everything. If you're considering getting your home or business painted, they are definitely worth contacting.
Unparalleled customer service!
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(719) 745-4445
1552 West Tejon Drive